Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 1 of Booger's Boot Camp

Day 1 of Booger's Boot Camp:

So the adventure begins! We started (last night) with a post on the Birmingham Obedience Training Club's facebook page seeking advice. What wonderful responses from so many experienced, brilliant, and ring wise savvy dog trainers! And, at the recommendation of one trainer, we asked to join the fb "balanced obedience" page. We're looking forward to getting input from these folks.

Boot Camp Day 1 started with breakfast. Sebastian had to earn every morsel. No easy life for him. We even reviewed things we learned years ago that were lost with all the chaos of a larger canine crew. For example, I forgot the "command" for "bed". (I said "crate" ... and the command was "bed". I forgot because, in those days, he slept in his bed not a crate.) We haven't done "wait" in forever and it was amazing he still remembered everything!

Also, I made a point to give him lots of attention and "catch me" games throughout the day. Most importantly, I NEVER asked him to come when I didn't think it would be successful and I NEVER asked him to do something negative after he came (like lock him in the kitchen). Sadly, I've fallen into that trap lately without realizing it.

We didn't do any hard core training ... just little snippets throughout the day .... and lots of attention.

I don't know if this was a good strategy, but my gut instinct is that we need to re-establish that special bond we had back before the "chaos of a larger canine crew".  

There is still a bit more time this evening before bedtime, so I'm planning on going to a separate room and working on some of his old tricks we haven't done in years ---  things like "close the door", and "say your prayers", and "crawl", :play the drums and piano". Only fun stuff. And, I'll only treat after all the "tricks" are completed with "guess which hand".

I'll also get my game book out and we'll learn 1 new trick (with lots of treats of course). The last one he learned was "Pawcasso". Here's his Opus 1 painting!
I haven't had a chance to get the "fish line" yet that was recommended. I'll get this tomorrow so we can work on it in this Thursday's rally class. If he wanders off and decides to do his own thing, I'll reel him back in! 

We'll practice this tomorrow at home before we head to class Thursday.

Onwards and upwards! Fly my little pug, fly!

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