Saturday, May 16, 2015

Enjoying life again . . . .

Just an update on our "retraining". Sebastian has been attending weekly rally classes sporadically. We are enjoying random treats (perhaps 4-6 within the course ... plus one at the start and LOTS after the finish.)

We are having FUN. If he ever seems to not enjoy any aspect, we don't push and we take a break. He seems to be getting back to where he was back in his 'prime', and we haven't had any "ring escape attempts" in months.

Actually, by February he was back in his groove and we haven't had any escape attempts since this class .... (here he is with his rally class teacher):

You can see how happy he was after the May 7th class. (We worked on group sit and down stays following class for a little extra drill.)

And, even though it's really starting to get too hot, he is still enjoying class. Only 2 treats throughout a VERY challenging course (with backs and all sorts of jumps ....AND the bowls filled with treat distractions!!)

Sadly, rally class will break for the summer very soon (the building is not air conditioned and Alabama heat + pugs doesn't welcome that scenario) so we will enjoy some "easy" training inside at home over the summer.

Over the summer we'll enjoy some inside training at home and I would like to introduce "play" sessions for reward (tug-a-war .... tricks etc.) and NO treats for some of the training sessions.

Once fall classes start back at the training club we will introduce these new rewards (plus some treats perhaps again) and begin the weaning process again. I am hoping that we will "wean" from treats and "station parties" more gradually this time around and have more success at a possible winter or spring trial.

We shall see!!